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- by Mr. Turbo of the Silicon Valley Swappe Shoppe
- Read and playback Sega Genesis and Super Nintendo cartridges
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- 1. Introduction
- This information was gleaned from disassembling the Sega Genesis and
- the Super Nintendo and their cartridges. The contents of this file
- does not come from confidential sources.
- The average Sega Genesis/Megadrive cartridge consists of a ROM chip and
- sometimes a battery backed up static ram chip. The signals to and from
- the cartridge are all CMOS level (rail to rail voltage swings) and therefore
- all chips which interface to a cartridge or the Genesis/Megadrive should
- be CMOS compatible parts. When using the 74 series chips, be sure
- to use either 74HC or 74HCT family. When using EPROMS, be sure they are
- CMOS compatible. The Sega Genesis uses a CMOS variant of the Motorola
- 68000. Therefore, there are 16 data lines and 23 address lines at the
- cartridge slot.
- Sega cartridges almost exclusively use a single mask programmed 16 bit
- wide ROM chip in their cartridges, but third party manufacturers sometimes
- use multiple (sometimes 8 bit wide) ROM chips. Therefore, reading a
- Genesis cartridge consists of asserting the address and chip select
- lines low, setting the address lines to the address you want to read
- and reading the data of the data lines. Playing back a game read from
- a cartridge consists of writing the data to an EPROM or equivalent and
- connecting it to the Genesis.
- The pinouts for the cartridge port is as follows:
- When standing in front of the Genesis, b is frontward, a is rearward,
- 1 is to the left and 32 is to the right.
- *=active low
- a1 - gnd b1 -
- a2 - +5v b2 -
- a3 - A8 b3 -
- a4 - A11 b4 - A9
- a5 - A7 b5 - A10
- a6 - A12 b6 - A18
- a7 - A6 b7 - A19
- a8 - A13 b8 - A20
- a9 - A5 b9 - A21
- a10 - A14 b10 - A22
- a11 - A4 b11 - A23
- a12 - A15 b12 -
- a13 - A3 b13 -
- a14 - A16 b14 -
- a15 - A2 b15 -
- a16 - A17 b16 - *OE
- a17 - A1 b17 - *CS
- a18 - gnd b18 - *AS
- a19 - D7 b19 -
- a20 - D0 b20 -
- a21 - D8 b21 -
- a22 - D6 b22 - D15
- a23 - D1 b23 - D14
- a24 - D9 b24 - D13
- a25 - D5 b25 - D12
- a26 - D2 b26 -
- a27 - D10 b27 - *RESET
- a28 - D4 b28 - *WE
- a29 - D3 b29 -
- a30 - D11 b30 -
- a31 - +5v b31 -
- a32 - gnd b32 - gnd
- 2. The Cartridge Reader
- 2.1 About the IBM PC Parallel Port and the Cartridge Reader
- The cartridge reader is designed to interface with the IBM PC (and
- compatibles) parallel printer port. Although I could have used one of
- the backplane slots to read the cartridge, the parallel port was
- selected because it is easier to construct a device that physically
- plugs into it and they are cheap to replace in case you fry your parallel
- port. The disadvantage (from the designer's standpoint) is that you
- only have 12 bits of data coming out of it (8 parallel port data and 4
- control) and you can only feed in 4 bits of data into the parallel port.
- The solution to this is to use registers/octal latches (the 74HCT374).
- What we do is feed the address we want to read into the latches and
- then read the data off the data lines. Two of the parallel port
- handshake lines are used to select between the three 8 bit
- registers/latches. Since the Genesis ROM has a 16 bit datapath, we
- add an extra address line (A0) to select between the upper and lower 8
- bits. We still have to feed this 8 bit data into a 4 bit port so we
- use a 74HCT244 as a data selector to select between the upper and
- lower 4 bits of data. Another control line is used to make the
- selection. Note that because of the way IBM designed their parallel
- prot, the highest bit of this 4 bit input is inverted.
- 2.2 Building the Cartridge Reader
- Be sure to use the 74HCT family or equivalent when purchasing the parts.
- The HCT family means that the chips are "high speed", CMOS level outputs
- and TTL level inputs.
- You can either print out the PCB pattern I provided or wire wrap the
- circuit. Another option is to use a breadboard but you must be
- careful because breadboard projects tend to loosen their wires over a
- period of time. The filename for the schematic is READ-SCH and the
- filename for the pattern is READ-PAT.
- If you want to etch your own PCB, one thing you can try is the laser
- printer direct method. Print the pattern on a plastic sheet and iron
- the sheet to a clean copperclad board. The laser printer toner will
- transfer from the plastic to the copperclad and act as a resist. You
- then toss the copperclad into some etchant and clean it off when you
- are done.
- To build the cartridge reader, you will need the following parts:
- 2 - 74HCT139
- 3 - 74HCT374
- 2 - 74HCT244
- 7 - .1 microFarad capacitors
- 1 - male DB25 connector
- 1 - 64 pin card edge connector with .100 inch contact centers
- 1 - 5 volt power source (you can use a 5 volt source from inside your PC)
- The first 5 parts are fairly easily obtainable. If you don't have a
- good electronics store in your area, you can mail order the parts from
- Digikey (call 1 800 344 4539 and ask for a catalog). The 64 pin card
- edge connector is fairly hard to find. 3M makes such an item but only
- in the ribbon cable variant. What I did was to use the 3M connector
- with a ribbon cable and put DIP plugs on the other end of the ribbon.
- If you decide to do this, be sure to keep the ribbon cable short (i.e.
- 4 inches or less) to cut down on the noise. When using the 3M connector,
- you have to shave off the edges in order to get it to fit in a Genesis
- cartridge. If you can't find a 64 pin connector, you can get a 72 pin
- connector, insert a barrier key to separate off 64 pins and cut off
- the extra 8 pins.
- The capacitors go between +5 and ground. Put one as near as possible
- to each chip.
- Keep the connection between the IBM PC parallel port and the cartridge
- reader as short as possible to reduce the noise factor.
- 2.3 Software
- All programs are written in C and were compiled using Borland C/C++.
- All you need to do to convert them to Microcrud C or Zortech or whatever
- else, just change the outport() and inport() function calls to whatever
- your compiler uses.
- The software is provided as READCART.C, TESTCART.C and SIZETEST.C.
- READCART.C reads the data from the cartridge and writes to the
- specified file. If no file specification is given, it will write it
- to game.dat. You must also specify the size of the file in megabits.
- The program is hard coded to read data from LPT1:. If you use another
- parallel port, be sure to change the address macro definitions.
- TESTCART.C is a program to test the cartridge reader. Feed the lower
- 16 bits of the address back into the data lines and this program will
- verify correct operation of the cartridge reader.
- SIZETEST.C is a program to automatically determine the size (in
- megabits) of a cartridge plugged into the cartridge reader.
- 2.4 Testing and Debugging
- Hook up the address lines to the data lines (A1 goes to D0, A2 goes to
- D1, etc) and run the TESTCART.C program. If you get consistent
- errors, then you have a wiring problem or you forgot to hook up the +5
- volt power source. If you get random errors, you have a noise
- problem. Shorten the cables between the cartridge and the reader and
- the compuer and the reader. Add more capacitors to your power source.
- If you still get noise errors, play with the delay factor on line 25
- of TESTCART.C and/or add pullup or pulldown resistors or both to the
- lines going to and from the parallel port.
- When you feel confident that everything is working, plug in a
- cartridge and read it in two or three times. Do a compare of the
- files you get to make sure there are no noise problems. Offset
- 100-19f hex should contain ASCII info on whatever cartridge you have
- plugged in. If it doesn't, try another cartridge. It should say
- something like:
- etc.
- Almost all Sega produced games say SEGA GENESIS at offset 100 hex.
- If it appears that the byte order is switched (i.e. it comes
- out ESAGG NESESI or something like that), then the four wires from the
- 74HCT139 to the 74HCT244's are switched around. If you can't find
- the text at offset 100 hex, try looking at 1 hex and 10000 hex. If
- you find it at one of those locations, then the 3 wires going from
- the 74HCT139 to the 74HCT374's are switched around.
- 3. Playing Back What You Read.
- In order to play back what you read out of the cartridge, you will
- need to store it in either static RAM, EPROM or flash memory. If you
- are going to store it in EPROM or flash memory, you will need an EPROM
- programmer. Needham Electronics (916 924 8037) sells a nice one for very cheap.
- Flash memory is especially nice since you erase it electronically like
- static RAM, it is non-volatile like an EPROM and programs very fast.
- Unfortunately, they are hard to find. Microprocessors Unlimited
- (918 267 6961; ask for a price sheet) sells the Intel 28F020 flash
- memory as well as EPROMs and static RAM. The 28F020 is a 2 megabit
- chip and is 8 bits wide so you will need two of them. EPROMS have
- the highest density but they are the hardest to program and are a pain
- to erase (you have to put them under a ultra-violet lamp). The last
- time I checked, static RAM only comes in 1 megabit configurations and
- you have to provide some sort of battery backup when transferring
- programs from the IBM PC to the Genesis.
- The easiest way to make a carrier for your memory chips is to get a
- cartridge that already has two 8 bit wide chips on it and hack it
- apart. Early Electronics Arts games use such an arrangement. Clip
- off all the legs of each of the chips and desolder each of them one by
- one. Replace each of the chips with a ZIF (Zero Insertion Force)
- socket. Some of the larger ZIF sockets may not fit in your cartridge.
- Aries Electronics has a small low profile ZIF socket you can buy from
- Digikey (see above).
- If you want to make your own, I have provided a PCB pattern called
- When you program your memory, if you are using 8 bit wide memory, you
- will need to program one chip with the even addresses and one chip
- with the odd addresses.
- 4. Battery Backed up RAM Games
- When A21 goes high, then the chip select (*CS) of the battery backed
- up RAM is active (low). Just connect *CS, *OE, *WE and the rest of
- the address and data lines to the SRAM.
- 5. Using the Cartridge Reader with the Super Nintendo
- The Super Nintendo cartridge is very similar to the Sega Genesis
- arrangement. The two main differences are that the Sega has 16 data
- lines while the Super Nintendo has 8 and the Super Nintendo has a
- lockout chip.
- To adapt the Sega cartridge reader to the Super Nintendo, just wire
- the address lines on the cartridge reader to the proper lines on the
- Super Nintendo (i.e. A1 on the Sega goes to A0 on the SNES, A2-Sega
- goes to A1-SNES, etc) and the D0-D8 lines on the SNES go to the D0-D8
- lines on the cartridge reader. Line 85 of of READCART.C contains the
- code you need to modify in order to convert it to reading Super
- Nintendo cartridges.
- The lockout chip really doesn't do much of anything. All the Super
- Nintendo does is detect its presence. If the lockout chip is properly
- connected, the Super Nintendo will read the cartridge. If not, it
- won't. You may want to use pullup resistors to tie the inputs/outputs
- to the lockout chip high so you don't leave anything floating when you
- read the cartridge.
- The cartridge connector inside the Super Nintendo console consists of
- a connector 3 13/16 inches wide using .100 inch contact centers.
- There are 62 pins total, but there are 8 pins on either side which are
- separated from the 46 pins in the center. The width of the connector
- is roughly the same as a 70 pin solder tail connector so you can use
- one of those with a pair of barrier keys to center the cartridge
- fingers.
- If you are looking at the Super Nintendo from the front of the
- console, the connector pins towards the front are numbered from
- 1 to 31 from left to right and the connector pins towards the rear are
- numbered from 32 to 62 from left to right. Remember that for most
- cartridges, only the center 46 pins are used so that the fingers on
- the cartridge are numbered from 5 to 27 and from 36 to 58.
- The pinouts are as follows:
- 5 - gnd 36 - gnd
- 6 - A11 37 - A12
- 7 - A10 38 - A13
- 8 - A9 39 - A14
- 9 - A8 40 -
- 10 - A7 41 - A15
- 11 - A6 42 - *OE
- 12 - A5 43 - A19
- 13 - A4 44 - A16
- 14 - A3 45 - A17
- 15 - A2 46 -
- 16 - A1 47 -
- 17 - A0 48 -
- 18 - 49 - *CS
- 19 - D0 50 - D4
- 20 - D1 51 - D5
- 21 - D2 52 - D6
- 22 - D3 53 - D7
- 23 - A18 54 - *WE
- 24 - Lockout chip pin 1 55 - Lockout Chip pin 2
- 25 - Lockout chip pin 7 56 - Lockout chip pin 6
- 26 - 57 -
- 27 - +5 58 - +5
- The *CS line of the battery backed up RAM goes active (low) when A18 is
- low, A17 is high and pins 26, 46 and 47 of the cartridge connector are high.
- The best way to make a playback cartridge is to scavange an existing
- Super Nintendo cartridge and wiring an adapter to that. Just desolder
- the existing mask ROM and wire in an adapter from the Sega Genesis
- playback cartridge. This way, you already have a lockout chip and
- battery backed up RAM already in place. The schematic is SNES-SCH.
- The pinouts for the mask ROM are as follows:
- 1 A19 32 +5
- 2 A16 31 *CE
- 3 A15 30 A17
- 4 A12 29 A14
- 5 A7 28 A13
- 6 A6 27 A8
- 7 A5 26 A9
- 8 A4 25 A11
- 9 A3 24 *OE
- 10 A2 23 A10
- 11 A1 22 A18
- 12 A0 21 D7
- 13 D0 20 D6
- 14 D1 19 D5
- 15 D2 18 D4
- 16 gnd 17 D3
- 6. Conclusion
- Good luck hacking your Game Medic!
- <-> Mr. Turbo '92